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Title Order


We have tried incredibly hard to keep the simple conventions of opening sequences consistent in our opening. This makes the film seem real and professional, instead of a small project which we are taking part in. We used a modern film order which is used in the majority of films today.

-Producer/Distributor Names

  • A (director’s name) film

  • Main actors

  • Other main actors

  • Title of the film

  • The main production team (casting, costume designers, music designer, production designers, director of photography)

  • Producers (from least to most important) eg executive

  • Director



A convention of coming of age films I used was a young male actor. Famous coming of age films like 'Ferris Buellers Day Off' and 'Submarine' use a young male protagonist to engage the audience as they are made aware of the coming of age genre. Boys are stereotypically more troublesome than girls so our protagonists issues are more realistic by using a male. We chose a student aged 16, who would fit into the E or D demographic, as a relatable figurehead of the film as the audience are likely to share interests or knowledge. To further follow the conventions of a coming of age film, we used a Mothers's voice-over to add emotion and relevance to the opening as the viewers are likely to be aged between 12-18 and therefore have a parental influence in their lives.

Companies involved in the film


To add realism to our production, it was essential to use companies which would be recognised for the genre. All of the coming of age films I have watched, apart from 22 Jump Street, use minor and independent companies. Film 4 are known for gritty films produced in the UK so it was the right choice for us to use as our production company. Following more research, films like Inbetweeners and attack the block which were produced by Film 4, I found Studio Canal often worked with them so it was a appropriate choice to accompany the film. Independent film-makers are usually successful in certain countries instead of being worldwide blockbusters unlike like the 'Big Six' (Warner Bros etc) companies.



To show institutional information, we have used a clear and simple font called Jack Input. My research shows that a regular font helps to show the importance of the text, like in 'Superbad' where the text changes colour but remains the same to also show equality between the credits and so the names can be seen on all backgrounds. Our opening does not contain as much text as other genres as I found that less is sometimes more in the coming of age films as the young demographic are often not interested in the opening credits. This is shown in the 'Goonies' opening where close to know text is used so the audience focuses on the action.

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